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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - after


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 I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ?fter; akin to Old High German aftar ~, and probably to Old English of of  Date: before 12th century following in time or place ; ~ward, behind, later we arrived shortly ~ returned 20 years ~  II. preposition  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. behind in place people lined up one ~ another  b.  (1) subsequent to in time or order 20 minutes ~ 6  (2) subsequent to and in view of ~ all our advice  2. — used as a function word to indicate the object of a stated or implied action go ~ gold was asking ~ you  3. so as to resemble: as  a. in accordance with  b. with the name of or a name derived from that of named ~ his father  c. in the characteristic manner of ; in imitation of writing ~ the manner of Hemingway  III. conjunction  Date: before 12th century subsequently to the time when we will come ~ we make plans  IV. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. later in time in ~ years  2. located toward the rear and especially toward the stern of a ship or tail of an aircraft  V. verbal auxiliary  Date: 1792 chiefly Irish — used with a present participle to indicate action completed and especially just completed the poor old man is ~ dying on me — J. M. Synge  VI. noun  Date: circa 1902 ~noon AFTERBIRTH  noun  Date: 1587 the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled after delivery
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  prep., conj., adv., & adj. --prep. 1 a following in time; later than (after six months; after midnight; day after day). b US in specifying time (a quarter after eight). 2 (with causal force) in view of (something that happened shortly before) (after your behaviour tonight what do you expect?). 3 (with concessive force) in spite of (after all my efforts I'm no better off). 4 behind (shut the door after you). 5 in pursuit or quest of (run after them; inquire after him; hanker after it; is after a job). 6 about, concerning (asked after her; asked after her health). 7 in allusion to (named him William after the prince). 8 in imitation of (a person, word, etc.) (a painting after Rubens; 'aesthete' is formed after 'athlete'). 9 next in importance to (the best book on the subject after mine). 10 according to (after a fashion). --conj. in or at a time later than that when (left after they arrived). --adv. 1 later in time (soon after; a week after). 2 behind in place (followed on after; look before and after). --adj. 1 later, following (in after years). 2 Naut. nearer the stern (after cabins; after mast; after-peak). Phrases and idioms after all 1 in spite of all that has happened or has been said etc. (after all, what does it matter?). 2 in spite of one's exertions, expectations, etc. (they tried for an hour and failed after all; so you have come after all!). after-care care of a patient after a stay in hospital or of a person on release from prison. after-damp choking gas left after an explosion of firedamp in a mine. after-effect an effect that follows after an interval or after the primary action of something. after-image an image retained by a sense-organ, esp. the eye, and producing a sensation after the cessation of the stimulus. after one's own heart see HEART. after-taste a taste remaining or recurring after eating or drinking. after you a formula used in offering precedence. Etymology: OE {aelig}fter f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  потом; впоследствии – after the manner – well after ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. последующий; позднейший in after years —- в будущем an after period of life —- последние годы жизни 2. обыкн. мор. задний, кормовой the after part of the ship —- кормовая часть корабля after hold —- задний трюм, кормовой трюм 3. потом, затем; позднее; впоследствии three years after —- спустя три года the morning after —- на следующее уттро you speak first, I shall speak after —- сначала говорите вы, а затем скажу я I never saw him after —- я никогда его больше не видел soon after —- вскоре после того they lived happily ever after —- фольк. и жили они долго и счастливо до глубокой старости; стали жить-поживать да добра наживать 4. сзади, позади to follow after —- идти следом 5. во временном значении указывает на: 6. последовательную смену явлений: после after the revolution —- после революции after Sunday comes Monday —- за воскресеньем следует понедельник after dark —- с наступлением темноты 7. промежуток времени, точку отсчета или обстоятельство, после которого что-л происходит: после; через, спустя after two years' absence —- после двухлетнего отсутствия after a year —- через год, спустя год it is after five —- теперь шестой час after a while —- через некоторое время, немного погодя after examining the patient the doctor wrote a prescription —- осмотрев больного, доктор выписал рецепт the day after tomorrow —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. prep.  1) указывает на местонахождение позади данного предмета или движение вдогонку за, позади my name comes after yours - моя фамилия стоит за вашей she entered after her sister - она вошла вслед за своей сестрой  2) указывает на последовательную смену явлений или промежуток времени, после которого произошло или произойдет действие после, за, через, спустя she will come after supper - она придет после ужина they met after ten years - они встретились через десять лет after his arrival - после его приезда  3) указывает на сходство с чем-л. или подражание чему-л. по, с, согласно after the same pattern - по тому же образцу after the latest fashion - по последней моде the boy takes after his father - сын во всем похож на отца each acted after his kind - каждый действовал по-своему  4) указывает на внимание, заботу о ком-л. о, за to look after smb. - смотреть за кем-л. to ask/inquire after smb. - спрашивать, справляться о ком-л.  5) выражает уступительность несмотря на after all my trouble he has learnt nothing - несмотря на все мои старания, он ничему не научился after all - в конце концов after a manner - не очень хорошо, неважно what is he after? - что ему нужно?; куда он гнет? who is he after? - кто ему нужен?  2. cj. после того как soon after he arrived he began to work at school - по приезде он стал работать в школе  3. adv.  1) сзади,...
Англо-русский словарь
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'after' is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘ask after’, ‘look after’, and ‘take after’. 1. If something happens after a particular date or event, it happens during the period of time that follows that date or event. After 19 May, strikes were occurring on a daily basis... After breakfast Amy ordered a taxi... It wasn’t until after Christmas that I met Paul. ? before PREP • After is also a conjunction. After Don told me this, he spoke of his mother... Marina cared for him after he seriously injured his eye several years ago. CONJ 2. If you do one thing after doing another, you do it during the period of time that follows the other thing. After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope provided. ...women who have changed their mind after deciding not to have children... ? before PREP: PREP -ing 3. You use after when you are talking about time. For example, if something is going to happen during the day after or the weekend after a particular time, it is going to happen during the following day or during the following weekend. She’s leaving the day after tomorrow. PREP: n PREP n • After is also an adverb. Tomorrow. Or the day after. ADV: ADV after v 4. If you go after someone, you follow or chase them. He walked out, and Louise went after him. ...people who were after him for large amounts of money. PREP 5. If you are after something, you are trying to get it. They were after the money... I did eventually find what I was after. PREP 6. If you call, shout, or stare after someone, you call, shout, or stare at them as they move away from you. ‘Come back!’ he called after me... PREP 7. If you tell someone that one place is a particular distance after another, you mean that it is situated beyond the other place and further away from you. A few kilometres after the village, turn right to Montelabate. =...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 S1 W1 prep 1 when a particular time or event has happened or is finished  (After the war many soldiers stayed in France. | I go swimming every day after work. | It's on after the 9 o'clock news. | Do you believe in life after death?) 2 days/3 weeks etc ~ sth  (A few months after his birth we discovered that our son was deaf.) the day/week/year ~ sth  (We leave the day after tomorrow.) soon/not long/shortly ~ sth  (Not long after the wedding his wife got ill.) straight ~ sth (=immediately after)  (Come home straight after the performance.) come ~ sth (=happen after something)  (The first bomb attack came after midnight)  (- see since3 (USAGE)) 2 following someone or something else in a list, series, piece or writing, line of people etc  (Whose name is after yours on the roll? | The date should be written after the address.) 3 when a particular amount of time has passed  (After 10 minutes remove the cake from the oven. | After a while things started to improve. | After months of argument they decided to divorce.) 4 AmE used when telling the time to say how many minutes it is after the hour  (The movie starts at a quarter after seven.) 5 day ~ day/year ~ year etc continuously for a very long time  (He's worked in that hell-hole week after week, year after year, since he was 18.) 6 when someone has left a place, has finished doing something etc  (Remember to close the door after you. | I spend all day cleaning up after the kids.) 7 go/run/chase etc ~ sb to follow someone in order to catch them  (Go after him and apologize.) 8 because of something or as a result of something  (I'm not surprised he walked out, after the way she treated him. | After your letter, I didn't think I'd ever see you again.) 9 in spite of something  (After all my hard work she still says it isn't neat enough.) 10 call/shout/gaze etc ~ sb to speak to or look towards someone as they move away from you  ("You have a nice day, now!" she called after us.) 11 be ~ sb/sth a) to be looking for someone or something  (Police are after a short man with a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Assessment Feedback Treatment Education And Recommendations ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. жfter "after, next, following in time," possibly from O.E. of "off" + -ter a comparative suffix. Afterbirth is from 1587; afterglow first attested 1873; afterthought is from 1661. A combination that ought to have survived is after-wit "wisdom that comes too late" (1579). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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